
Students will be Admitted
As per Jharkhand Academic Council Norms on Merit Basis
- 75% attendance in Classes in Mandatory for all students of the college in every subject.
- Ragging in the College premises is strictly prohibited. Violation of this order is punishable as per Hon’blesupreme Court Directives.
- Dress Code is Mandatory for all students of the intermediate class.
- Mobile Phone was prohibited in College Campus.
- Dress Available atMontex Uniform Centre Golmuri and Amber textile Golmuri.
You can buy clothes from any shop you fill like no need to buy form that particular shop.
Procedure for Admission
- Applicants seeking admission to the college should submit their application in prescribed admission forms along with attested copies of the following documents from institution last attended / passed :
- School / College Leaving Certificate.
- A Character Certificate from the Head of the School / College last attended.
- Mark Sheet.
- Admit Card of the last qualifying examination passed.
- (i) A Caste Certificate in the case of candidate belonging to scheduled Tribes / Scheduled Caste / Backward Class Annexure-I obtained from Gazetted Officer.
(ii) A Certificate of Income obtained from Revenue officer of the area.
- A Certificate of Service. ( If the candidate is self-employed)
- Three recent Passport size photographs.
- Xerox copy of Aadhar Card (UID)
Original of all documents as mentioned in (1)
- To be produced at the time of admission for verification Original College / School Leaving Certificate shall not be returned.
- Candidates intending to join Arts & Commerce should submit their admission forms in the College Office.
- S.L.C / C.L.C original to be produced at the time of admission.
Mandatory Certificates for Admission
- Xerox copy of Marksheet of Secondary
- Xerox copy of Admit Card
- Xerox copy of Registration Slip
- Xerox copy of Cast Certificate (ST/SC/OBC)
- Xerox copy of Income certificate who belongs to ST/SC/OBC
- Original copy of School Leaving Certificate (SLC).
- Original copy of Migration Certificate for Other Board Students